The Slutz Window

Slutz Window in Main Street Vestibule
Excerpt from the London Times, 1894
Excerpt from the London Times, 1894
On the right hand side of the front entrance hall is a window given by the ladies of the church and congregation in memory of the departed wife and daughters of the pastor, Rev. W. L. Slutz, who has been so sorely bereaved within the past few months. The window, although not as large as some of the others, is certainly one of the prettiest in the church. The name of Mabel, enclosed in a wreath of pink Marischal Neil roses appears on the left, and on the right is the name of little Helen wreathed in pansies, her choice flowers. At the bottom is the name of Mrs. Julia M. C. Slutz above which is a beautiful crown, fully jeweled.
This article appeared in the New York Times in 1894. Similar articles were found in newspapers from Colorado and around the country.
Shocking Crossing Accident.
Shocking Crossing Accident.
LONDON, Ohio, Sept. 21.- The west-bound Big Four train, which arrived here at 10:46 this morning, brought three terribly mangled persons - Mrs. Buell, the aged sister of the Rev. W. L. Slutz, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church of this city, and the two daughters of the Rev. Mr. Slutz, Miss Mabel, eighteen years old, and little Helen, three years old.
Mrs. Buell died immediately after being removed from the train and little Helen thirty minutes later. Mabel is injured internally, her collar bone is broken, and there is a large cut in her head that will probably cause her death. The party was struck by the train at a crossing three miles east of here while taking a ride.
Mrs. Buell died immediately after being removed from the train and little Helen thirty minutes later. Mabel is injured internally, her collar bone is broken, and there is a large cut in her head that will probably cause her death. The party was struck by the train at a crossing three miles east of here while taking a ride.
Rev. Slutz shows up in a book by Isaac Haight Beardsley titled "Echoes from Peak and Plain, or, Tales of Life, War, Travel and Colorado Methodism.". The following is an excerpt from the 1873 in the minutes of the conference:
William L. Slutz, from the Pittsburg Conference. Had supplied Caribou and Middle Boulder for three months, organizing that work. Then was at Black Hawk two years, where the church was repaired, and a five-room parsonage bought and paid; Golden, three years; Boulder, one year; and Colorado Springs, three years. Here he built a new church costing $15,000, on a central site. He was transferred to the East Ohio Conference in 1882 and is now a member of the Ohio Conference; has just completed a $40,000 church at London, Ohio. He has been a very useful and successful minister of the gospel.
This excerpt from a London Times article is about Rev. Slutz' efforts to build our church written in 1894:
Throughout the entire work the pastor, Rev. Slutz, has been the moving spirit, calling into action the loyal support of the church. To his enthusiastic, energetic efforts, his splendid executive ability, clear headedness and untiring zeal belongs, first of all, credit for the enterprise brought to such successful consummation. Undismayed by obstacle, Slutz cheerfully and steadfastly led the movement through to a successful issue. In his efforts, he found able assistance and loyal, earnest support in the individuals and official boars who labored with him as well as the united help and cooperation of a generous willing membership.