Sanctuary Stained Glass Windows
The stained glass windows at First United Methodist always have been one of the hallmarks of our building. All of the windows, except for the Angel of Advent Window, were made by the Artistic Glass Company of Cincinnati when the building was constructed in 1893-1894. Beside the picture of each of these magnificent windows, is an excerpt from the 1894 London Times, the predecessor to the Madison Press. This article reported the opening of our church for the first time and was published during the week of November 19-25, 1894.

There are three large memorial windows in the auditorium. The one on the north was placed there by Judge and Mrs. Harrison of Columbus. The design of the lower part is very lovely, being the "Angel of the Advent" in a garden of flowers with wings outspread as if bringing a message of light and peace. The upper part of the window contains various emblems in rich color. The window was made and placed in position by C. E. Lamb of New York. All other windows of the building were purchased from the Artistic Glass Painting Co., of Cincinnati represented by D. E. Livermore. The glass for the entire church cost a little in excess of $3,000.00 and are elegant design, the emblems were chosen by the donors and the building committee.

The west window was donated by Judge Lewis, of Portland, Oregon, in memory for his mother, Mrs. Abigail Lewis, who for seventy years was a devoted member of the M.E. church. The central design is the ark of the Covenant on which are resting the tables of stone. Above all an anchor and other handsome figures are shown in great detail.

The south window was the gift of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Watson in memory of their parents. The beautiful window was appropriately designed by Mrs. Watson. In the center is a log cabin representing the early pioneer homes of the father of Mrs. Watson. Here we find a beautiful figure of David, the Shepherd Boy with crook in hand guarding the sheep near by. The natural scenery depicted here attracts the attention of every beholder. The mountain in the distances and pure waters of the Jordan are grand. In the top of the window is the sea of Galilee over the surface of whose water is a perfect representation of a sailing vessel. The window presents a charming appearance.