The Worship Team will be decorating the Sanctuary with poinsettias for Christmas and taking contributions for the Christmas Eve Altar decorations. The deadline for placing orders is Sunday, December 15th. The poinsettias will be on display in the sanctuary on Christmas Eve and will be available to take home following the 11pm Christmas Eve service.
Click on the link below to open the printable form. Enclose your payment and mail to the church, or place it in the
offering plate (both form and money/check together). If paying by check, please make the check payable to FUMC and indicate ‘Poinsettia’ in the memo line. Please print!
offering plate (both form and money/check together). If paying by check, please make the check payable to FUMC and indicate ‘Poinsettia’ in the memo line. Please print!
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Online Poinsettia Orders/Altar Arrangement Donations
Please fill out the Poinsettia order form for each flower ordered ($15.00 per flower), then click on the Poinsettia Payment button at the bottom of the page to make your payment.
Fill out the Altar Arrangement Donation form (below the Poinsettia Order Form) and click on the Altar Arrangement Donation button for Altar Arrangement donations.
Fill out the Altar Arrangement Donation form (below the Poinsettia Order Form) and click on the Altar Arrangement Donation button for Altar Arrangement donations.