Organ Music
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God of Our Fathers and Prelude on How Great Thou Art
God of our Fathers -hymn setting by Jan Linker, Prelude on How Great Thou Art -Robert Hobby
Prelude and Fugue in C minor
J. S. Bach
DOUBLE FEATURE: Communion Piece in G and Fugue à la Gigue
Communion Piece in G -Louis Vierne, Fugue à la Gigue -J. S. Bach
DOUBLE FEATURE: Marche en Rondeau & Prelude on 'He Leadeth Me'
Marche en Rondeau -Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Prelude on He Leadeth Me -Emma Lou Diemer
DOUBLE FEATURE - Trumpet Tune in A major & Prelude on 'Battle Hymn'
Trumpet Tune in A -David Johnson, Battle Hymn -setting by Charles Ore
Marcel Dupré